Earth-Friendly Buildings, Bridges and More:
Eco-Journal of Corry Lapont

(Ages 8-12)

Earth Friendly Buildings, Bridges and More

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2012 - Science in Society Book Award, Canadian Science Writers' Association, Short-listed

2012 - Best Books for Kids & Teens, Canadian Children's Book Centre, Winner

2013 - Red Cedar Award, BC Young Reader's Choice, Short-listed

2013 - Best Children's Books of the Year, Bank Street Children's Book Committee, Winner

2013 - Information Book Award, Children's Literature Roundtable of Canada, Short-listed

2013 - Silver Birch Nonfiction Award, Ontario Library Association, Short-listed

2014 - Diamond Willow Award, The Saskatchewan Young Readers' Choice Award, Short-listed

About the Book

This book takes the form of a scrapbook written by Corry Lapont, a 12-year-old girl and aspiring “green” engineer. It's a collection of postcards, brochures, letters and projects that Corry has compiled while travelling the world with her engineer parents.

Acting as the narrator, Corry shares her excitement and enthusiasm as she talks about bridges, skyscrapers, subway tunnels, domes and more that have been built in an environmentally friendly way. She also discusses the environmental impact of certain structures and describes hands-on activities using household items to explain complex concepts.

I used a female character as the narrator of this book in the hope that it would inspire more girls to think about pursuing architecture or engineering as a career.

Researching this book was a real eye-opener for me. I made so many amazing discoveries (just like Corry!) I learned about the Rolling Bridge in London, England that actually curls up when boats come along. I learned about the impressive green features of specific sports stadiums in Australia, Japan and the United States. And I had no idea that there were so many subways in the world with such incredible art including one in Moscow, Russia that looks like a palace.

And of course, I got to indulge one of my favorite activities – making puns. Having two characters in the book bantering back and forth enabled this to happen. E.g. What game do domes like to play? Answer: Dome-inoes!


“This handsome, information-rich, yet brief illustrated "eco-journal" fills a gap---and more.”
— Kirkus

“The explanations and presentation are kid-friendly ...”
— School Library Journal

“Kaner offers a detailed introduction to green technology for readers interested in the environment and architecture.”
— Publishers Weekly

“Kaner’s latest book is an informative primer on environmentally aware design and architecture.”
— Quill and Quire



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Toronto District School Board




Earth Friendly Buildings, Bridges and More


About the Book

This book takes the form of a scrapbook written by Corry Lapont, a 12-year-old girl and aspiring “green” engineer. It's a collection of postcards, brochures, letters and projects that Corry has compiled while travelling the world with her engineer parents.

Acting as the narrator, Corry shares her excitement and enthusiasm as she talks about bridges, skyscrapers, subway tunnels, domes and more that have been built in an environmentally friendly way. She also discusses the environmental impact of certain structures and describes hands-on activities using household items to explain complex concepts.

Did You Know…

I used a female character as the narrator of this book in the hope that it would inspire more girls to think about pursuing architecture or engineering as a career.

Researching this book was a real eye-opener for me. I made so many amazing discoveries (just like Corry!) I learned about the Rolling Bridge in London, England that actually curls up when boats come along. I learned about the impressive green features of specific sports stadiums in Australia, Japan and the United States. And I had no idea that there were so many subways in the world with such incredible art including one in Moscow, Russia that looks like a palace.

And of course, I got to indulge one of my favorite activities – making puns. Having two characters in the book bantering back and forth enabled this to happen. E.g. What game do domes like to play? Answer: Dome-inoes!


“This handsome, information-rich, yet brief illustrated "eco-journal" fills a gap---and more.”
— Kirkus

“The explanations and presentation are kid-friendly ...”
— School Library Journal

“Kaner offers a detailed introduction to green technology for readers interested in the environment and architecture.”
— Publishers Weekly

“Kaner’s latest book is an informative primer on environmentally aware design and architecture.”
— Quill and Quire


2012 - Science in Society Book Award, Canadian Science Writers' Association, Short-listed

2012 - Best Books for Kids & Teens, Canadian Children's Book Centre, Winner

2013 - Red Cedar Award, BC Young Reader's Choice, Short-listed

2013 - Best Children's Books of the Year, Bank Street Children's Book Committee, Winner

2013 - Information Book Award, Children's Literature Roundtables of Canada, Short-listed

2013 - Silver Birch Nonfiction Award, Ontario Library Association, Short-listed

2014 - Diamond Willow Award, The Saskatchewan Young Readers' Choice Award, Short-listed


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Available in the Korean language / 한국어로도 이용 가능:

Toronto District School Board